Film poster

Film poster

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Chicken Little--and a film poster

I hope we are not sounding like Chicken Little: "The sky is falling!" No one listened when s/he actually did announce the real thing--they were so used to false alarms.

Well, our FILM really is COMING. Soon. Isn't it agonizing not knowing when? It is for me!  So, Tim is a "meandering" editor. At least he's not a "philandering" editor--he is faithful to the project. However, a tweak here, an audio replacement there, a photo to change out--and meanwhile, days are passing!

So, my latest hope/prediction is that we get everything ready for REPLICATION (not duplication, which doesn't last as long) by July 9 (oh, please God, give Tim energy!) so that we can have DVDs (with inserts printed, and all nicely shrinkwrapped) by the time we get in the car to drive to San Antonio on July 26 for our first official SCREENING!  Yes, we've been invited there and are trying to arrange something in Austin, too, as well as in other places. San Francisco has already booked a date (Oct. 12), and we'll be showing the film in Wilmette, Illinois after the Persian-American conference over Labor Day. Yippee!  So--DVD copies do need to be forthcoming.

Tim has been working on the POSTER for the film--and this is the current version.

It makes us feel that the film is REAL. It's coming!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Getting Closer!

 We just posted the following as a Kickstarter update: 

Getting Closer!  Update #16    Oh--we are so close now to finishing Luminous Journey!  

Tim went to North Carolina (see photos) to work with Eric Johnson on the final audio post production--and the SOUND is all mixed wonderfully and with great sound effects now. 

We are working on designing labels and packaging for the standard DVD, Blu-ray DVD, and soundtrack CD, as well as doing the final text checking, credits, and visual refinements.  Two student designers and our two interns are doing preliminary work on the design projects as well as editing some behind-the-scenes interviews and such. 

As we shared some film segments today in Arlington, Texas, I was struck (again) with how beautifully Tim has edited the film. The timing with the narration, music, and visuals is exquisite.  This is really WHY it has taken so long!  While you've had to wait (forever), I think you'll be pleased with the final product, which is 2 1/2 hours long!  
Our CD monologue set, "Encounters with 'Abdu-Bahá," is now available through 9 Star Media:  YIPEE! 
We are also accepting ADVANCE orders for the DVD. Many of you will be receiving a copy (AND IF YOU WANT AN  UPGRADE TO BLU-RAY, JUST SEND US $10), but you might want to order extra copies for your family / friends! I can send you an order form if you respond to this update and/or email:
We can receive $ for orders (or donations or upgrades) via PayPal on our website: OR via a check, mailed to our address. $25 DVD; $30 Blu-ray; $5 shipping.  Our final financial challenge is having the funding together for the replication for 1000 copies (standard) and at duplication of at least 250 (blu-ray). If you are inspired to give more, it will go right to that purpose! 
It's becoming more real. Thank you for hanging in there, with us!